Thursday, September 15, 2011

20 Questions related to our reading.

1. Why is it so important for you to express your personal views and interests to shape government policy?
2. It has been ten  years since the tragic incident of 9/11. Is it evident now that our government has improved dramatically since the event occured?
3. If we continue to leave the "golden door" open to immigrants from all over the world, how will the U.S economy be affected?
4. How far should the government go in attempting to satisfy the tasks set forth by the Constitution?
5. If Americans are so worried about immigrants since the events of 9/11, why has there been no anti-immigration laws passed? It seems as if more and more continue to come with no limits.
6. Do you think Americans care more about their self-intrest or the good of their community?
7. Is ethnic, religious, and economic diversity good for a democracy?
8. Why is it that in America those who are born poor, remain poor?
9. How does the religion where you live affect your political interests?
10. How does a persons age affect their political orientation?
11. If race is not an issue in America anymore, why does our government feel it is neccessary to collect information about ones race?
12. How did history play a role in the establishment of identity politics?
13. How does political culture influence political behavior?
14. Should race, gender, or sexual orientation matter in politics today?
15. What event in history made citizens have more pride in their country rather than their state?
16. Do you think schools should preach patriotism?
17. Is it right to have states establish English as the official language?
18. Why is it that high school students have the right whether to say the Pledge of Allegiance but elementary and middle school students must say it?
19. In what ways could the Census be changed in order to be more accurate?
20. With the diversity in our country, do you think its possible to ever achieve political unity?

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