Friday, September 23, 2011

Unit 1 Interview

When I was first assigned this interview project, I thought I would interview my friend Dan Fuiman. I thought it was important to interview one of my peers because at the age of 18, we become able to vote in elections, and with a presidential election coming up, I felt it was important to see a teens view on government and politics. I found it quite interesting that unless we are taking a course on government or are very involved, most people just dont know too much about it.

The first question that I asked Dan was what he felt "government" really was. His reply was quite shocking. He said that he felt government was "a bunch of people who only care about themselves and their own benefits and lie about trying to help others." I found this response to be very unordinary, but quite realistic. Dan has a very negative view on politics and government and doesnt like the direction our country is headed. The next major topic I asked him about was what political topic do you care most about and why? He responded by saying that he cares most about the national debt, as do most americans. He said as teenagers we havent expirienced it in full effect yet, but when we are older and are in the workforce it will be hard to deal with. He said he believes the debt is getting too high, and will continue to rise, resulting in higher taxes which we will be left to pay off. Especially with us going off to college in a year, he doesnt know how any of us will be able to afford it and eventually pay off all of our debts.
Overall, I believe my interview went very well and it certainly helped me see how other teenagers view politics and the growing struggles in America.

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