Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Peoples History Of The United States

What I liked most about this packet was when Beard stated his belief that the Founding Fathers were only looking out for their own selfish, economic intersts. The men who wrote this Constitution were wealthy white men, so they saw that they could benefit from this. They knew that tarriffs, taxes, and other economic issues could turn in their favor in the end. Clearly this corrupt side caused issues for the small farmers, leading to Shay's rebellion. The rich, powerful men immediatly shot down this rebellion, fearing that it would spread and others would begin to adopt these ideas. I loved the fact that Jefferson said rebellions are "healthy for society" because he was completely correct. The only way for change to occur and for voices to be heard is through radical actions.

1. Do you think that the idea of looking out for ones own economic interests still exists in politics today?
2. Do you agree with Jefferson when he stated that rebellion is healthy for society? Why?
3. How would our government be different if the Founding Fathers were not significantly wealthy? If they were poor, do you feel that our economy would be worse than it is today?

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