Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/11 Video Clip Response

1. Why wouldn't the government tell the citizens what they were doing?
2. If the terrorist attack had never happened, would we still have started a war against Al-Queda eventually?
3. When Bush issued the CIA to start the war, did he have any idea we would still be involved 10 years later?
4. Why didn't we pull out when we won the quick war in Afghanistan? Why continue?
5. By doing everything in secret, did it cause citizens to not trust the government?
6. Should the CIA and military have been on the same page during the attacks?
7. Were CIA techniques too harsh, or not harsh enough?
8. Should the US have finished their war in Afghanistan before moving to Iraq?
9. Should the National Security Agency have been able to intercept phone calls, or was that taking away privacy?
10. Was it a smart move to hide agencies in big business buildings?

1. Greystone was the name of the plan of attack.
2. George Bush launched a CIA attack to find out any information in Afghanistan.
3. All of top secret America was at Obama's inauguration to protect him from any possible attacks.
4. Obama had a 3.4 billion dollar building built for military forces.
5. 3 billion dollars was used for private contractors to collect cyber data.
6. John Rizzo established a prison system run by the CIA in alliance with other countries to isolate the enemies.
7. The terrorist surveillance program allowed the CIA to tap phones of citizens without authority.
8. After Obama's operation, U.S. soldiers killed Osama Bin Laden.
9. There are 17,000 secret intelligence locations in the U.S.
10. In spring of 2003, the U.S. attacked Iran.  

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