Sunday, September 11, 2011

Political Issues I Care About

The American governemt may be very powerful in controlling our everday lives, but it still has many flaws to deal with. There are many issues including healthcare, unemployment, national debt, ect. To be honest, I have not kept up with politics very much at all, nor do i care much for them. The main issues that I care about would be national debt and unemployment.

I will be leaving for college in just one year and with the national debt at an all time high, im getting nervous about how i will be able to get loans for college, and how i will be able to pay these loans back when i am done. Unemployment relates to the national debt because with so many people being laid off and looking for jobs, it will be harder to get a job right out of collge. If i am unable to find a job out of college, that will make it even harder for me to afford my loans and be able to pay it all back.

I never really took a look at how much politics can really affect my own life, but now that I am more aware, I will be sure to keep up with whats happening in the government and how it affects me and the people that surround me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree man, loans are going to be hard to get. We also need to fix this unemployment issue, I think our economy is slowly transitioning from a recession to a depression.
