Friday, November 11, 2011

Electoral College

1. Nebraska and Maine have already abandoned the winner-take-all system.
2. Mr. Pillegi wants PA to join in abandoning the winner-take-all system.
3. PA is being changed to winner-take-all by congressional district.
4. Whoever wins a certain congressional district, the candidate would receive one electoral college vote.
5. Whoever does better in the statewide race would receive two electoral college votes.
6. If this system had been in place in 2008, Obama would have beaten McCain 11-10 rather than receiving all 21 electoral college votes.
7. PA senator Chuck McIhinney dislikes the plan.
8. Bob Mensch is one of the co-sponsors, and is not on the 2012 ballot.
9. It only takes 6 defections in the Senate, or 11 in the house to stop the bill.
10. California has the most electoral college votes in the country.

1. Would this make counting votes harder or easier?
2. What made Pennsylvania decide to propose this plan now?
3. Which party would benefit the most from this?
4. How could this negatively or positively affect voter turnout?
5. Would this lead to more or less campaigning?

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