Thursday, November 10, 2011

John Boehner


1. Boehner was forced back to the drawing board on his first package of spending cuts.
2. His "biggest regret" of his speakership was failing to cut a multitrillion-dollar deficit-reduction deal with President Barack Obama after the mere perception that he might give ground on taxes filtered back to his troops.
3. He threatened to punish recalcitrant Republicans by taking away committee assignments.
4. Boehner says it is important to spend less money.
5. Instead of just talking about the importance of trade, we've actually passed free trade agreements.
6. Boehners Republicans have used the leverage of controlling a single chamber of Congress to slash $1 trillion or so from the budget over the next decade.
7. His leadership frequently blows up in his face.
8. "John kind of watches and sees where it goes and kind of herds the flock that way."


1. How come Boehner just sits back and waits for things to happen?
2. Are the things that Boehner has done in his career generally positive?
3. Does he get a good amount of support from his party / do they back what he does?
4. Does Boehner make too many compromises? Should he be more assertive?
5. Why does it seem that most opinions about Boehner are negative?

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