Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Representatives Committees

Mike Lee's committees:
- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- Committee on Foreign Relations
- Committee on the Judiciary

1. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee operates with 4 subcommittees.
2. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee has jurisdiction over matters related to energy and nuclear waste policy, territorial policy, native Hawaiian matters, and public lands.
3. In 1977, The Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs became the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
4. The United States Committee on Foreign Relations is charged with leading foreign-policy legislation and debate in the Senate.
5. There are 7 subcommittees of the Committee on Foreign Relations.
6. The committee has considered, debated, and reported important treaties and legislation, ranging from the purchase of Alaska in 1867 to the establishment of the United Nations in 1945.
7. The Committee of the Judiciary has only 18 members.
8. This Committee is charged with conducting hearings prior to the Senate votes on confirmation of Federal Judges nominated by the President.
9. The Committee of the Judiciary is one of the oldest in the Senate, being created in 1816.

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