Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frontline: "Lost In Detention"

1. Illegal Immigrants are detained prior to being deported.
2. This year, about 400,000 illegal immigrants will be detained and deported.
3. Under Obama, border security has been strengthened.
4. ICE is the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.
5. Last year, 195,000 Immigrants were deported.
6. Of the 195,000 immigrants deported, there were 1000 murderers.
7. With Obama's administration, the number of immigrants caught and deported has gone up.
8. A State bill known as "Susana's Law" was introduced to deny funding for secure communities.
9. Secure communities was set up to reduce racial profiling.
10. The Obama administration has made secure communities mandatory.

1. Are there any instances where immigrants who are caught are allowed to stay?
2. If someones visa has expired, can they return to their country and receive a new visa?
3. Are there any incentives to reach the target number of deports?
4. What happens if that number is not reached?
5. If people try to help illegal immigrants, can they be arrested as well?

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