Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Representatives Personal Finances

Mike Lee
Lee has a net worth from $32,995 to $193,998 , ranking him 92nd in the Senate. He has 7 assets totaling $82,005 to $234,000. Lee also has 3 liabilities totaling $40,002 to $115,000. He has no transactions, no compensations, and 3 incomes totaling at $822,837.

Bob Casey
Casey's net worth is from $160,020 to $578,000, ranking him 84th in the Senate. He has a total of 14 assets totaling $160,020 to $578,000. He has had three transactions totaling $45,003 to $150,000.

With 50% of our congress being millionairess, we may find it hard to relate to them, or vice versa. Since most congressman are very wealthy, it might be hard for them to relate to the common man, or our middle class. If this be the case, then we can get a better judgment on how much Congressman really do care and try to relate to the common Americans, and we can base our election judgment from what we see.

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