Thursday, December 8, 2011

Campaign Ad Techniques

1. Scare Tactics
--- This ad uses dangerous facts and scary numbers about the nations economy and housing in order to scare people away from voting for Carter. This ad gets people afraid to vote for Carter, saying that this is what happen if hes in office.
--- This ad was definitely effective because it drove fear into the people and make them not want to vote for Carter.

2. Put downs
---This ad insults the candidates opponent.
---This ad is not effective because it doesn't tell what the candidate will do, but mainly what the opponent is doing wrong. Makes the candidate look weak.

3. Cartoons / Humor
---This ad uses cartoons and childish humor to make its point.
---This ad could be effective because if children like it, then it can be a household topic with parents.

4. Relating to average Americans
---This ad shows Clinton relating to average Americans and saying how he can help them.
---This ad can be effective because average Americans are what runs the country and a President relating to them is a very good thing.

5. Celebrities / Guests
---This ad has Ford speaking to Americans on behalf of Ronald Reagan.
---I dont believe this ad was effective because Ford lost the previous election, so him campaigning for Reagan probably wouldnt have done much good.

6. Family
---This ad is all about Barack Obama's family and how he was brought up just like a normal American and how family values are always important.
---This ad can be very effective because it shows that he was brought up just like anyone else and was set with the same values as everyone else.

1. Ads can be very persuasive.
2. Ads do not do much to inform the voters.
3. More advertising does not produce a better democratic result.

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