Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Electoral College

1. The Electoral College is Undemocratic.
2. States select their own electors by popular vote.
3. Gore received 51 million votes and Bush received 50.5 million votes in the 2000 election.
4. Electors can vote for a candidate who is not in their same political party.
5. Each state gets 2 electoral votes, regardless of the population.
6. Republicans often win more states overall, but Democrats win the larger states.
7. Richard Nixon would have defeated John F. Kennedy in 1960 if it were a direct election not a run-off.
8. The Electoral College questions the validity of a nationwide popular election.
9. If the Electoral College were replaced by direct elections, minority candidacies would be encouraged.
10. Federal judges are not elected at all, they're appointed.

1. Do you feel the electoral college is a fair system?
2. Is it fair that a president can lose an election, even if he received more votes?
3. How are electors selected?
4. How long are electors in their position?
5. How can the electoral college be improved or changed?

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