Wednesday, December 14, 2011

National Debt Questions

1. How does our debt compare with other countries debt?
----Out of all other countries in the whole world, the United States has the most National debt at upwards of $15 trillion dollars. Below  us with around $9 trillion dollars in National debt is the United Kingdom, followed by Germany with $5 trillion dollars in debt. Overall, we have a much larger amount of debt then most other countries.

2. How does the National debt affect everyday citizens?
----There are many different ways that the national debt can affect everyday citizens. To begin with, the value of the dollar will drop, making it more expensive to purchase imported goods. This includes gas and various household items that we take for granted. Overall borrowing costs will go up, making it harder to buy a home and a car. Interest rates will rise and mortgage rates will increase as well.

3. Who do we owe this debt to?
----We owe this debt to many different corporations and people. The list includes: banks, pension funds, insurance companies, large corporations, foreign corporations, foreign governments, and various investors.

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