Saturday, December 10, 2011

H.R. 2457: Palestinian Accountability Act

Facts about the Palestinian Accountability Act:

1. Status: This bill is now in the second stage. It has been introduced, and has now been reported to committee. The committees it has been assigned to are the House Foreign Affairs, and the House Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia. 

2. In General- No United States Government document may refer to the areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority as ‘Palestine’ until the Secretary of State certifies to Congress that the Palestinian Authority condemns terrorism, excludes Hamas, and recognizes Israels right to exist as a Jewish State.

3. This Act limits the amount of money that the United States gives to the Palestinian Authority, based on if they meet the requirements stated above.

4. This Act limits the amount of money that the United States gives to the United Nations if they say they recognize Palestine as a state.

5. This Act limits the amount of money that the United States gives to UNRWA for Palestinian Refugees. 

1. How will this bill change the way other countries view our presence in the Middle East?
2. Should the United States just cut off all ties with the Palestinian Authority?
3. Could this bill cause other countries to enact something similar?

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