Friday, December 9, 2011

New York Times Budget Puzzle

  • By the year 2015, I would have saved $414 billion dollars.
  • By the year 2030, I would have saved $938 billion dollars.
  • 48% came from savings from tax increases.
  • 52% came from savings from spending cuts.
-----Reflection: Some of the easy choices to cut included cutting weapons programs, reducing our troops in Iraq, and cutting foreign aid. The U.S. has not had a major threat since 2001, and there is just too much money being thrown away for defense and military. Also, with our economy being as bad as it is, we need to reduce how much we give to other nations, because there are some that really need it but others don't need it as much as we do. This would certainly be much harder to get things done with Congress, because with there being two parties and two different ideologies, it is hard to get people to agree on the same things.

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