Sunday, December 18, 2011

Terry Gross Interview - Interpreting The Constitution In The Digital Era

1. Jeffery Rosen is the co-editor of the new book Constitution 3.0: Freedom and Technological Change.
2. The Constitution cannot regulate social media.
3. None of the existing amendments give clear answers to the most basic questions were having today.
4. Rosen is a law professor at George Washington University.
5. We have to assume that we are being monitored 24/7.
6. There is no expectation of privacy on the street in the U.S.
7. The GPS case has the potential to be the most important case of the decade.
8. We can be permanently tarred for one mistake we made on the internet.
9. Google was blocked in Turkey for a long period of time.
10. The Patriot Act expands the amount of surveillance it can do without a warrant.

1. Can the Patriot Act be a good or bad thing?
2. Should it be a violation to monitor people in public?
3. Is anything protected when you put it on the internet?
4. Who watches the public monitors?
5. How is Americans view on privacy different from Europeans view?

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