Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Taxpayer Articles

Facts Article 1:
1. Our tax dollars helped pay for the show "Diary of a Single Mom."
2. Other production costs on the show paid to different vendors total more than $700,000.
3. The money came through an award by the Department of Commerce to One Economy Corp. for more than $28 million last year to help boost broadband internet service in underserved areas across the country.
4. One Economy is using more than $1.5 million of that money to create programming such as "Diary of a Single Mom" which the group says will help provide an incentive for people to connect to the internet.
5. According to grant reports, One Economy so far has invoiced the government $18.9 million of the $28.5 million awarded under the grant, with 142.47 jobs created.


Facts Article 2:
1. Defense Secretary Leon Pannetta's weekend trips to his California home on government planes are not a major concern to many lawmakers.
2. The cross-country trips raised some eyebrows in Washington after several media reports put the price of each trip at up to $30,000.
3. Pannetta is required to reimburse the government for the price of an equivalent coach airline ticket, but the costs of the flights on sophisticated military jets far exceed those prices.
4. In a series of interviews, lawmakers expressed few concerns when asked by The Hill about the potential of spending $100,000 a month on Pennettas personal weekend trips.
5. Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) said he "would be reluctant to critique someone who is merely trying to maintain a family, a marriage."

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