Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2000 Election and the Supreme Court

1. The court ruled 5-4 in favor of Bush.
2. The election was decided under the Rhenquist Court.
3. On December 8th, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a manual recount was required by law.
4. The courts decision in Bush vs. Gore did have two fundamental virtues.
5. Minimalism was on full display in the courts two rulings during the election.
6. On December 9th, the Supreme Court issued a stay of the decision of the Florida Supreme Court.
7. Bush vs. Gore was actually the fourth intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court.
8. The courts decision lacked any basis in precedent. 

1. What are the effects/risks that come from minimalism?
2. What other three cases did the Supreme Court intervene in?
3. How will the government handle a case like this in the future?
4. Were there illegal occurrences during this whole election/court case?
5. How did the court make a decision with no precedent? 

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