Monday, October 31, 2011

West Wing

1. The episode brings up the major court case of Roe vs. Wade.
2. Marriage is an example of an enumerated power.
3. The episode also mentions the right to privacy.
4. The President selects judges that have the same party affiliation or view points as him.
5. The candidates for judge positions were interviewed before they were appointed.
6. A candidate must be approved by the Senate.
7. Justices are usually replaced by the same gender.
8. Brown vs. Board of education ended with the result that schools should not be segregated.

1. At what age are judges often asked to retire?
2. Are all candidates interviewed or just the best?
3. What types of questions are judges asked while being interviewed?
4. What pros and cons could there be for judges to have a life term?
5. On average, how long does the process of replacing a judge take?

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