Thursday, October 20, 2011

2000 Election Film

1. The way that Floridians voted in 2000 was by punching out chads.
2. Katherine Harris was the Secretary of State during the election.
3. The deadline for the recount to end was December 12th.
4. The supreme court ruled 5-4 in favor of ending the recount, giving Bush the presidency.
5. Gore had verbally stated that he had lost to Bush, but took back his statement in order to fight for a recount.
6. Gore advisers wanted dimple chads to be counted in the recount.
7. Only counties which the candidates asked to be recounted were recounted.
8. Florida's 25 electoral votes would have given either candidate the presidency.

1. Would a re-vote in the state of Florida been more efficient than a recount?
2. Were Americans treated fairly, not knowing who their president was for over a month?
3. How long would an all out manual recount have taken?
4. How is the presidency decided if there is a tie?
5. Who was put in charge of the country during the recount?
6. Did the police let the protesters in the building, knowing that it would slow the recount?
7. Could a county have denied to recount the votes in the first place?
8. Is it possible that an incident like this could occur in our future? Or have we cleared up any issues that could reoccur?

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