Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Health Care Post 2

I know that there are many issues in the government, many of which cannot be resolved. One issue that I am really interested is the dislike between the Democratic and Republican parties. Not only do these two parties dislike one another, I feel that the government and certain bills are very divided because of affiliation. On the topic of healthcare, although Obamacare would do positive things to our economy, it is being shot down immediately by Republicans. They don't want to try and see the good that it could do, they are just blinded by party affiliation that it is immediately blocked out.

One major thing that Obamacare is said to do is to reduce the number of uninsured residents by 32 million. This is taking a major step in the right direction, working to help everyone achieve the goal of having healthcare. However, if Republicans cant see the good that this bill is doing just because the person who proposed it is a Democrat, then surely the government is flawed. This is how I view the topic of party affiliation with regards to the healthcare reform. Now maybe I am wrong, and the Republicans do actually see flaws in this bill, but it is shown throughout history that legislature doesn't get passed if an opposing party passes it.


  1. I think you're correct in saying that many times, progress in government is prevented due to stubbornness among both sides. Republicans often won't accept a bill merely because it was proposed by someone of the Democratic party, and vise versa. I think if government officials tried to ignore their grudges of the other party and actually listen intently to what each side had to say, we could accomplish much more. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that despite our political affiliations, we are all still Americans.
    Pertaining to healthcare, I do think that the political parties are actually prohibiting further progress in some ways.

  2. I agree with you regarding the fact that there is a distinct division between the Republicans and Democrats. I myself so far like to think of myself as a Republican and I honestly could care less who proposes it. I can not speak for the Republicans making the actual decisions for our country, though. It's not that " I hate Democrats and don't want to see them prevail and succeed so I must refuse to support Obamacare" it's more about that I simply do not agree with it. I see many flaws such as less incentive to work, down grade of health care because it is too expensive to provide premium health care for all, etc.

  3. There is animosity between the Democrats and the Republican, but I don't know I would say that all of legislature gets shot down due to party affiliation. The healthcare that President Obama proposed does appear to help many uninsured people, but there would dfinitely by repercussions. An example would be the possible rise in unemployment if the insurance agencies feel like they are going to lose a profit and they start laying people off. Compromise is possible, but both sides must be willing to sacrifice something.
