Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Health care post 1

     Everyone knows that our economy is in a really bad place at the moment. Unemployment rates are high, people are losing there homes, but what is really important is health care. Something that is taken for granted in our life. If you get sick, you go to the doctor, you get hurt badly, you go to the hospital. Most people just take those things for granted and don't really see how much it is affecting people around us. However, health care is a much bigger problem then we really see.
     In my opinion, I feel as if  there should be a universal health care system. It is our governments duty to protect its citizens, and this includes keeping them healthy. Even though there are poor people out there, its not like they are going to take advantage of the health care system. If people are in need of a doctor they should be able to go to the doctor for free and not worry about if they are insured and how much it is going to cost if they are not insured. In 2005, the number of uninsured Americans was at an all time high of 46.6 million. This means that every time those 46 million people get sick or have to go to the doctor they have to worry about how much it will cost them and if they will be able to afford it. I feel that if we had a health care system that was paid for and run by the government, there would be not as many issues and worries about our health and being insured.

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