Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Constitution Responses

1. As the Constitution states, the president must be a natural born citizen. How do you feel about this?

In my opinion, I agree with this statement. I believe that if someone is going to have the immense responsibility of running a country, they must be born in the country which they are running. I'm not saying that I have anything against foreigners in politics, but I feel that the person in charge should be natural born. This policy helps us to stay away from favoritism in foreign policy. For example, if the president were foreign, he would feel an obligation to aid his home country. Therefore, the president should be natural born.

2. Is it possible the founding fathers included nothing about gay marriage in the Constitution because they would've never guessed that people would even try to do that?

Back when the Constitution was being written, things were more uniform and not as diverse. The nation was run by white protestant men, and marriage was defined as man and woman. I do not believe that the founding fathers ever would have thought that people would even consider homosexuality. People were very religious in the time period that this was being written, so I don't think that their religion would even allow gay marriage to occur, nor would people go against the church to attempt it.

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