Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"The Common Good"

The "Common good" is a term that originated over 2000 years ago in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero.  It was defined more recently by contemporary ethicist John Rawls as "certain general conditions...that are equally to everyone's advantage." Many believe that we do not currently have the common good. I agree, however, I believe that in our society we need to work towards reaching the common good. If we can reach this common good, we will all become happier and become a better nation. Unfortunately, it is our human nature that compels us to be quite selfish and look out for only our individual gain. 

This article lists many different examples of common goods, including accessible and affordable public health care system, an effective system of public safety and security, peace among the nations of the world, a just legal and political system, an unpolluted natural environment, and a flourishing economic system. All of these common goods that are listed are surely not impossible to reach, but in our nations current state, seem quite unreasonable. I believe that if we actually tried to reach the common good, we could potentially fix our health care system, work towards becoming a safer nation, and use less gas and produce less pollution for the environment. The only issues that I see are with the nations having peace and the economy. Our economy is in such a bad place that we don't even know how to get out of it. The economy will be in a recession for quite a while, and will take time to get back to being flourished. As far as the nations having peace, I never believe every nation will have peace. There will forever be wars fought around the world, and there will always be threats from country to country. 
I believe that our nation is could definitely benefit from having the common good, but I think we are too far away from ever reaching it. 


  1. I agree with what you said about working together. The common good is something that can only be accomplished by working together as a whole. If we do obtain this, we could benefit from it in many ways. Your last sentence puts it all in perspective because we are far from achieving it, but maybe one day we will. I am pretty sure we will all notice when we accomplish "the common good."

  2. I agree, i think that the common good is a good goal to have, but i don't think it can be reached. It is, in my opinion an impossible goal that you need to work for, but will never be reached. If we stopped working for the common good i believe nations everywhere would fall, because then there wouldn't be anything to work for. Especially in our country right now, i agree with you when you say that it will be harder more now then ever to try to accomplish the common good because of the recession.

  3. You said, "I believe that if we actually tried to reach the common good, we could potentially fix our health care system, work towards becoming a safer nation, and use less gas and produce less pollution for the environment." I agree! And not to contradict myself, but how can we reach one goal if everyone wants things done different ways? Who's to say what's the right way to get things done? I personally think it's going to be very difficult, if not impossible to get everyone to agree on anything.

  4. I agree with yor statement that the country can benefit from having the common good. But in opinion there is no true common good, because different people have different definitions on good. So like you said, it would be difficult to achieve and we are not quite there yet.

  5. I agree we should try to reach it its an impossible goal to have everyone reach. As long as we keep striving to reach to common good it exists through us and our good intentions. Do you believe any of your goals can be reached our just strived for?

  6. Your statement about the non realistic achievement of world peace, universal health care, free pollution environment is a unfortunate and sad truth. It is almost impossible to reach that state and every one be satisfied.
